
发布时间:2020-04-25 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:


广东财经大学国际商学院的介绍 正文

广东财经大学成立于1983 年,原名为广东商学院,经过30多年的发展,学校已建设成为全日制本科生、硕士生27600 多人的省属重点院校,是广东和华南地区重要的经、管、法人才培养、科学研究和社会服务基地。

Guangdong University of Finance and Economics (GDUFE)was established in 1983 and formerly known as Guangdong Business School. After more than three decades of development, GDUFE has become a provincial key university with 27,600 full-time registered undergraduate and postgraduate students. In Guangdong Province and Southern China, it is an important public higher education institute (HEI) in the fields of economic, management and law etc.

学校有广州和佛山三水两个校区,总占地面积2275 亩,广州校区毗邻广州国际会展中心,佛山三水校区位于佛山市三水区云东海旅游经济区三水森林公园内(国家AAAA级旅游景区)。现有校舍约71.97万平方米, 教学科研仪器设备总值12497 万元,图书468.5 万册(含电子图书);自主建成各类数字化教学资源1240 多项。

GDUFE has two campuses in Guangzhou and Foshan(Sanshui)covering a total land size of 2275 mu (1.52 km2). Guangzhou Campus is next to the Canton Fair Complex(Chinese:广交会展馆), formerly known as Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Centre (Chinese: 广州国际会议展览中心); Foshan (Sanshui) Campus is located in the forest park (Chinese: 三水森林公园,a national 4A level scenic spot), Sanshui District, Foshan City. Currently, the total university building size is about 719,700 square meters; the total value of teaching and research equipment is 124.97 million yuan; there are 4,658,000 books (including electronic books) in the university libraries; GDUFE owns more than 1240 independently-developed digital teaching tools.

In order to implement the provincial party committee and government’s strategies and improve the university’s research capability and service quality, GDUFE industriously provides academic supports for the Pearl River Delta National Innovation Demonstration Zone, the Advanced Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Cluster in the Pearl River West Bank and the National Manufacturing Innovation Centre. Based on the existing Sanshui premises, GDUFE decided to further develop the Foshan campus, as a one-stop-shop of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Foshan. On the 19th May 2017, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, Foshan City Government, Sanshui District Government and GDUFE signed a formal agreement to co-develop this campus.
国际商学院是广东财经大学与各方共建的二级学院,于2017年7月起全学段招生,目前共有本科生804名。国际商学院重点实施中外合作办学项目,通过与国外知名高校合作办学,探索“中外联合培养+校地协同育人”的人才培养模式,从而提升学科建设、专业建设、课程建设和师资建设国际化水平。学院还将开展专业认证,引入国际课程体系和职业资格认证体系标准,部分专业课程实行全英授课,打造集教学与科研于一体的国际化开放实验平台,着力培养高层次国际化应用型人才,为广东经济社会发展和佛山现代服务业创新发展提供人才和智力支撑。国际商学院2019年招收金融学、电子商务、财务管理、物流管理专业和“2+2”中外人才培养实验班(与2016年《泰晤士高等教育》世界排名93位的世界名校埃克塞特大学合作,毕业后授中英两国双学位,埃克塞特大学可选专业有:1. 会计与金融,2. 会计与商务 3. 经济与金融,4. 商业经济学)本科学生。
      The International Business School (IBS) is one of the schools co-founded by the above four parties. The IBS started enrolling in July 2017, and currently has 804 undergraduates. By cooperating with well-known foreign universities, it explores an education model of international collaboration + local integration. The IBS also intends to acquire a series of international accreditations; it will bring in international curriculums and vocational qualification systems. Part of its courses will be taught in English. The IBS is going to form an international research orientated teaching platform, and provide education opportunities to those future highly skilled international talents. The IBS will provide well-qualified graduates and intellectual supports to the economic and social development of Guangdong Province and the modernized service innovation of Foshan City. The IBS recruits UG students in finance,e-commerce,  accounting,logistics and the UK “2+2 programme” {the 2nd degree options: 1) BSc Accounting and Finance, 2) BSc Accounting and Business, 3) BSc Economics and Finance and 4) BSc Business Economics offered by the University of Exeter, ranked the 93rd place in 2016 Times Higher Education World University Rankings} in 2019. 

Followed the mission of GDUFE, the IBS actively explores various innovative educational methods and aims to be a national first-class and internationally renowned business school.


The IBS offers generous freshmen scholarships to its students. It adopts a “Maintained Colleges and Societies”   management system. In the next few years, it will erect a new international business school building, an academic conference centre, a Hau Tak College building, a teachers’ accommodation building, an innovation enterprise centre building, a sport centre and so on.


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