
发布时间:2015-07-12 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:导师


南京农业大学生命科学学院导师信息:张克云 正文


  1994 年7月毕业于安徽师范大学生命科学院生物学专业,获理学学士学位;1994年7月至1996年9月为安徽省萧县中学生物教师;1999年8月毕业于南京 农业大学植物保护学院植物保护专业,获农学硕士学位;2003年7月毕业于中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所现代古生物学与地层学国家重点实验室分子系统进 化与分子古生物学方向,获理学博士学位;2003年7月起为南京农业大学生命科学院教师。现为副教授,硕士生导师,动物生物学系系主任。
  南京农业大学青年创新基金:昆虫病原线虫共生菌活性成分研究 (主持);
  江苏省自然科学基金:昆虫病原线虫共生菌杀虫毒素的分子设计与杀虫机理研究 (主持);
  国家重点实验室开放基金:介形类的分子系统进化 (主持);
  Ke Y. Zhang ﹡(张克云), Xiu H. Liu, Jin Tan, Ying Wang, Lei Qiao, Gabriel Yedid, Chen S. Dai, Ru L. Qiu, Xiu W. Yan, Hao W. Tan, Zhen Y. Su, Ren Lai, Guo F. Gao. 2012. Heterorhabditidoides rugaoensis n. sp. (Rhabditida: Rhabditidae), a novel highly pathogenic entomopathogenic nematode member of Rhabditidae. Journal of Nematology. 2012, 44(4):356-368 (SCI)
  Sun J, Ding WX, Hong XP, Zhang KY﹡(张克云), Zou Y. Systhesis and antimicrobial activites of 4-aryl-3,4-dihydrocoumarins and 4-arylcoumarins. Chemistry of natural compounds. 2012. 48(1):16-22 (SCI)
  Yan X, Zhong J, Liu H, Liu C, Zhang KY(张克云), Lai R.The cathelicidin-like peptide derived from panda genome is a potential antimicrobial peptide. Gene. 2012,492(2):368-74 (SCI)
  Liu X, Liu R, Wei L, Yang H, Zhang KY(张克云), Liu J, Lai R. Two novel antimicrobial peptides from skin secretions of the frog, Rana nigrovittata. J Pept Sci. 2011, 17(1): 68-72. (SCI)
  Chen MD, Che QL, Wang X, Li J, Yang H, Li D, Zhang KY(张克云), Lai R. Cloning and characterization of the first amphibian bradykinin gene. Biochimie. 2010, 92(3): 226-31(SCI)
  Zhang C, Yang S,Xu M, Sun J, Liu H,Liu J, Liu H,Kan F, Sun J, Lai R, Zhang K﹡(张克云). 2009. A novel species of Serratia, family Enterobacteriaceae: Serratia nematodiphila sp.nov., symbiotically associated with entomopathogenic nematodeHeterorhabditidoides chongmingensis (Rhabditida: Rhabditidae). Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2009, 59:1603-1608. (SCI)
  Keyun Zhang﹡(张克云),Hui Liu, Jie Sun, Jingrui Liu, Kan Fei, Chongxing Zhang, Mingxu Xu, Jing Sun, Ren Lai, Yidong Wu, Maosong Lin. 2008. Molecular Phylogeny of geographical isolates of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus: implications for origin and transmission of this species in China and worldwide. Journal of Nematology 42 (2): 127-137 (SCI)
  Zhang C, Liu J, Xu M, Sun J, Yang S, An X, Gao G, Lin M, Lai R, He Z, Wu Y, Zhang K﹡(张克云). 2008. Heterorhabditidoides chongmingensis gen. nov., sp. nov. (Rhabditida: Rhabditidae), a novel member of the entomopathogenic nematodes, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology , 98: 153-168 (SCI)
  Wang X, Song Y, Li J, Liu H, Xu X, Lai R, Zhang K﹡(张克云). 2007. A new family of antimicrobial peptides from skin secretions of Rana pleuraden. Peptides. 28(10): 2069 - 74. (SCI)
  Lu Y, Ma Y, Wang X, Liang J, Zhang C, Zhang K(张克云), Lin G, Lai R. 2008. The first antimicrobial peptide from sea amphibian. Mol Immunol. 45(3): 678-81. (SCI)
  Liu R, Liu H, Zhang CX, Yang SY, Liu XH, Zhang KY(张克云), Lai R. Sphingobacterium siyangense sp. nov., isolated from farm soil. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2008 Jun;58(Pt 6):1458-62. (SCI)
  Liu X, You D, Chen L, Wang X, Zhang K(张克云), Lai R, 2008. Novel bradykinin-like peptide from skin secretions of the frog, Rana nigrovittata.J Pept Sci. 2008,14(5):626-30 (SCI)
  Liu R, Liu H, Feng H, Wang X, Zhang CX, Zhang KY(张克云), Lai R. Pseudomonas duriflava sp. nov., isolated from a desert soil. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2008 Jun;58(Pt 6):1404-8. (SCI)
  Liu H, Liu R, Yang SY, Gao WK, Zhang CX, Zhang KY(张克云), Lai R. Flavobacterium anhuiense sp. nov., isolated from field soil. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2008 Apr; 58 (Pt 4): 756 - 60 (SCI)
  Yang H, Xu X, Ma D, Zhang K(张克云), Lai R. 2008 A phospholipase A1 platelet activator from the wasp venom of Vespa magnifica (Smith).Toxicon. 51(2):289-96. (SCI)
  Li J X, Xu X Q, Xu C H, Zhou W P, Zhang K Y(张克云), Yu H N, Zhang Y P, Zheng Y T, Rees H H, Lai R, Yang D M, Wu J, 2007. Anti-infection peptidomics of amphibian skin. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 2007, 6 (5): 882 - 894 (SCI, IF 9.62).
  Yu H, Yang H, Ma D, Lv Y, Liu T, Zhang K(张克云), Lai R, Liu J, 2007.Vespid chemotactic peptide precursor from the wasp, Vespa magnifica (Smith). Toxicon. 50(3): 377-82. (SCI)
  Zhou Y, Wang X, Liu H, Zhang K Y(张克云), Zhang Y Q, Lai R,Li W J, 2007. Pontibacter akesuensis sp. nov., isolated from a desert soil in China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 57: 321-325. (SCI)
  Zhou Y, Dong J, Wang X, Huang X, Zhang KY(张克云), Zhang YQ, Guo YF, Lai R, Li WJ, 2007. Chryseobacterium flavum sp. nov., isolated from polluted soil. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 57(Pt 8): 1765-9. (SCI)
  阚飞,孙捷,田路旸,李超,徐明旭,房云,代陈胜,张克云﹡. 2009. 蛴螬多糖的提取分离和体外对小鼠免疫细胞增殖的影响.南京农业大学学报, 32 (2):161– 164
  孙捷,杨寿运,崔春亮,张崇星,林茂松,张克云﹡. 2008. 基于RAPDs多样性探讨松材线虫在我国的传播途径. 南京农业大学学报, 31 (2): 55– 60
  徐明旭,高国富,杨寿运,孙捷,张崇星,徐春花,吕毅, 张克云﹡, 2008. 白星花金龟(Protaetia brevitarsis)幼虫抗菌物质的分离纯化. 生命科学研究. 12(12):53 – 56
  张克云,徐明旭,杨寿运,孙捷, 杨群. 2007. 速足目主要类群系统发育的分子证据. 古生物学报 46(4): 464– 472.
  苏永春,梁建国,刘敬泽,张克云﹡, 2006. 微小牛蜱凝血酶抑制剂的分离纯化与活性研究。寄生虫与医学昆虫学报,13(3):144 – 149.
  安贤惠,梁建国,李卫国,徐春花,吕毅, 王旭,董靖,张崇星, 张克云﹡, 2006. 中国对虾中抗菌短肽的分离纯化与功能分析. 中国水产科学,13(6):1012 – 1016.
  张克云, 张崇星, 吕毅, 徐春花, 王旭, 林茂松, 2006. 松材线虫RAPD-PCR反应体系的优化与分子鉴定标记的筛选. 南京农业大学学报, 29 (1):61 – 65


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